Mit Gramsci in Wien, acceptance speech at the Antonio Gramsci Dissertation prize award ceremony, AK Wien, 07 November 2024
Walking, World, Literature, invited speaker at the Erich Auerbach Institute for Advanced Studies, Cologne, 08 July 2024
Heimat(en)-Welt(en), workshop with Dr. Hanna Zehschnetzler, MA Comparative Literature, University of Cologne, 05 July 2024
Postcolonial Gramsci(s?) in Transhistorical Perspective, invited speaker at the Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference 2024, Royal Holloway University of London, 20 June 2024
Gramsci and Postcolonial Literature, guest lecture, PhD course by Dr. Chiara Meta, Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione Roma Tre, Rome, 21 May 2024
Mazzini e la mamma, invited speaker at Società Dante Alighieri, Amsterdam, 15 November 2023
Multiplying the Mother Tongue from Within. Multilingual Relationalities in Italian Postcolonial Literature, conference presentation at European Society for Comparative Literature ESCL 9th Congress, La Sapienza, Rome, 5-9 September 2022
Space After Borders / Lo spazio oltre i confini, organiser of summer school, Monte Verità, Swiss, 21-22 July 2022, including an interview with Amara Lakhous by Loredana Polezzi
Motherhood and Italian Nation Building: On the Correspondence between Maria Drago and Giuseppe Mazzini, conference presentation at LOVA Winterschool 2021: Motherhood: the unfinished business of feminism?, IIRE, Amsterdam, 11 December 2021
Speaking Like a Plant, Laughing Like a River. Language and Terra in Italian Postcolonial Literature, conference presentation at Contemporary Literature and the Environmental Imagination, Ghent University, Belgium, 30 November 2021
Letteratura «italiana» o «straniera»? Gramsci e l’assenza di una letteratura nazional-popolare in Italia, conference presentation at Dies Turicensis, University of Zurich, 09-10 September 2021.
Gli studi postcoloniali e “Future”, guest lecture, Utrecht University, 25 May 2021.
La mancata eredità postcoloniale di Antonio Gramsci, presentation at MasterLanguage Symposium, University of Amsterdam and Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome (KNIR), 23 April 2021.
Gramsci and Postcolonial Literature in Italy, conference presentation at ACLA American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, 8-11 April 2021.
Performance Installation: Aceleratio. The Art of Slowing Down in Times of a Pandemic, Co-author of a poetic text, Pleintheater & NDSM Werf, Amsterdam, 26 February 2021 & May 2021.
“The Role of the Body! NOW!”, invited Speaker on Language and Embodiment at Pleintheater (online), Amsterdam, 05 December 2020.
Antonio Gramsci e gli studi postcoloniali in Italia, guest lecture, University of Zurich, 05 November 2020.
Forgetting Gramsci, Forms and Forgetting, conference presentation at AHRC International Conference, University of Cambridge, 22 September 2020.
Italiaans feminisme en Luisa Muraro’s Symbolische orde van de moeder, workshop at Concerning Maternity, University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, 31 January 2020.
A Poetic Intervention on Life Before Birth, Summer School on Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: “Icone del desiderio”, Palazzo Arese Borromeo, Cesano Maderno, Italy, 12-14 June 2019.
Photography Exhibition: Appearances, De Ruimte, Amsterdam, January - June 2019.
Photography Exhibition: Stoelen in kerken (Chairs in Churches), De Ruimte, Amsterdam, March-August 2018.
It’s not Youth, it’s Us. Youth Suicides and Rosi Braidotti’s Posthuman, conference presentation at Euroacademia’s 6th International Forum of Critical Studies: “Asking Big Questions Again”, Auditorium of the Agora Cultural Centre, Lucca, Italy, 23-25 November 2017.
Dance Yourself Clean, performance, with Aureline D’Haese, Amsterdam Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, June 2017.
Ruimtelijk Inzicht: De Ruimte in Perspectief (Spatial Awareness: Space in Perspective), organiser of interdisciplinary symposium, De Ruimte, Amsterdam, 12 February 2017.
Più alto del mare e la responsabilità dell’intellettuale impegnato, Organiser & Presenter of International symposium: La memoria culturale della Resistenza, University of Amsterdam, 31 March 2017.
Toekomst in de Talen (A Future in Languages), Organiser & Presenter of Symposium on the future and purpose of Language Studies, Humanities Rally, University of Amsterdam, 25 April 2015.